How to Inspect the Avast Scan Results?

Avast antivirus scanner helps in detecting the malicious infections and threats that might damage or destroy the system in near future. It also detects outdated software, browser add-ons with poor reputation, network threat and operating issues to resolve them without duplicacy.
 Running the Smart Scan
  1. Open the interface user of Avast. 
  2. Go to the protecting the software by hitting the protecting link.
  3. Move to the antivirus.
  4. Hit scanner of the running tab to start the process.
  5. Go to review results.
 How to view it?
  1.  Get access to Avast program and move to the scanning in the left pane.
  2.  Click on the history of the scanning link which will redirect you to the history page.
  3.  Hit the scan that you wish to view from the completed scan section.
  4.  Promptly hit the details of report link for viewing an explained in depth scanning analysis.
 Steps for resolving the issue
  1. Once you start the scanning, you may or may not detect any error. If there is no error in the application, it will be detected by a green color tick whereas if the site is infected, it will be shown by a red color cross.
  2. You will see a list of detailed threats that occurred during the scan.
  3. Move your cursor and click on the green box represented with the resolve all button. 
  4. For resolving the problem, it is important to hit the resolve button or you may skip getting details of the further identified area.
  5. Hit the done button for returning to the main screen.
If you are facing any kind of issue in your Microsoft product, then don’t worry about it, Avast Technical Support Canada: +1-778-381-5820 is there to help in all your problems & answer all your queries. Our team members are professionally experienced and are experts in this work, so we will better understand your queries & troubles.

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  • How to inspect the Avast scan results?
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